Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sushi at 7-11? Don't knock it until you have tried it

After spending a month visiting my parents back in the states I am back to the loud, smoggy, fast paced city of Tianjin which we currently call home and I am loving every minute of it.  With the thirteen hour time difference the first days are a haze of jet lag as I adjust to the change.  

We decided to change locations in Tianjin so moved to the Westin in the heart of the city.  Centrally located and surrounded by restaurants, malls , parks, mom & pop spots and the huge bonus is the 7-11 across from the entrance of the hotel.   Big deal you say?  Trust me it’s a bonus ….. it has a variety of cold beer, wine, sushi and onigiri wraps and a variety of hot items.    Do you think of eating sushi from a 7-11 and cringe?   Don’t forget we are in China and this isn’t sashimi/raw fish sushi…. They are a variety of small rolls or onigiri triangles with a center of shrimp, ell, pickled vegetables or crab wrapped around rice and nori.   Along with the variety of sushi they have about 6 different hot lunch options and the mystery bin.     The mystery bin is Tianjin’s version of the NYC hot dog cart.   You don’t want to know how long the food has been floating around in the liquid and you aren’t really sure what it’s  made of… but it tastes so good so you don’t really care.   There are about 12 different items to choose from and I have no idea what any of them are, so I randomly choose a different item each time.   I think I have had tofu, sausage, ground something or other and some kind of shell fish on a stick.   A quick lunch with one sushi roll and a couple of items from the mystery bin costs about 11 yuan or $1.65 and it’s just as good as a NY dog with double onions, relish, kraut and mustard.

Cheers and Good Travel!

and picture of my 7-11 mystery bin.......

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