Friday, February 7, 2014

Lionfish, Kava and …….Miller Time!

We returned to the US for the holidays expecting to stay for 2 weeks before heading to Vietnam for rest and to catch up on paperwork, but this job changes at a moments notice and we found ourselves booked to go to Peru at the end of January.   Not wanting to go through 13 hour jet lag twice in 2 weeks we opted to hang out in the states for a few extra weeks and visit friends and family.    Chattanooga had a cold front coming through unexpectedly so Greg took one look at me over the morning paper and said “let’s head south”.    South we did… Cocoa Beach and Melbourne to visit our daughter Anna along with an impromptu cruise to the Bahamas to escape the cold front that was threatening Northern Florida.

We were lucky enough to be invited to spend a few days with friends and our first stop was in Boca Raton at the Miller household.  Two days turned into five and we had wonderful meals and laughs.    Maureen came home from a scuba diving expedition with a huge lion fish that was speared by a fellow diver.   Greg Miller carefully removed the venomous spines and fileted the fish and pan seared it perfectly with white wine, lemon and capers… picatta style.


The lionfish is a beautiful but invasive species that is killing the fish in the coral and pose a major threat to reef ecological systems.  We are happy to do our part for the cause by eating as much of the tasty flaky mild fish we can when visiting the area.  


On our last night in Boca we were invited to join the Millers in a beer tasting at a local beer, wine and liquor store.  A great variety of beer was available, but unfortunately I’m not a beer drinker.  The store owners did allow me to buy a bottle of wine (and provided me with a glass) so I had something to enjoy as I went from beer vendor to beer vendor with the others.   After the event it was suggested we continue the party across the street at a local hookah and beer bar.   Nothing on the menu caught my eye to drink but then Maureen tells me they offer Kava… now in my head I heard “Cava” which is Spanish sparkling wine.   I should have known better, but I order it and I am served what looks like mud in a bowl.   I come to find out “Kava” is a root ground into a powder then mixed with water and traditionally served in a carved wooden bowl or coconut.  Kava is known for its sedative and anesthetic properties…. Not exactly what this girl needs after a night of beer and wine tasting.   Not knowing what it is I take a sip and grimace as it tastes like the bottom of a creek bed.    I end up gulping Greg’s beer just to get the taste out of my mouth.   I share the kava with the rest of the table and several strangers at the bar and chalk it up to one more new taste.


We continued our Florida trip south making fun memories drinking some excellent rum, playing Trivial Pursuit,  eating great seafood, steaks and have the occasional dolphin siting.
Good Travel!

Next Stop –Lima,  Peru


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