Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Sounds of Qatar: Abba and Olivia Newton-John

 Let me start by saying when I will think back to our stay in Mesaieed one of my memories will be the sound of the chanting prayers sent over loud speakers in this small town 5 times a day.   Technically prayer is 6 times a day however the one at dawn is between 3 and 4am so I have never heard it.  The times change daily as they are all based on the sunrise and sunset. 
When I first heard the beautiful melodic sounds I was taken aback and startled- I looked around trying to figure out what was going on.   There are huge speaker towers throughout the town that project the chanting prayers for all to hear.   Not everyone stops to pray, but I can say that I use it as a few moments of reflection.   I am not a religious person however hearing the prayers throughout the day has become
something I look forward to and enjoy.   Everyone could use more calm and reflective moments in their life.

You ask- what does Abba have to do with the prayers?  Absolutely nothing, but it is yet another “sound” that surprised me.    Let me start by saying during this time of travel I have made a “Get My Butt in Shape” resolution.   With the hotel gyms that will be available to me and a work schedule that is nothing like my past life in hospitality I don’t have any excuses.   The club here has an amazing gym and I have been working out for 45-90 minutes a day, 6 days a week the last two weeks.   Of course I assumed my body would be instantly transformed into a size 6 after two weeks and  I haven’t dropped a pound- but I digress.    They have a variety of workout music blasting in the gym but 90% of the time it is cranking out 70’s and 80’s tunes.   During the Abba songs I think back to the nights  in Vermont dancing in the Gray Ghost Inn’s kitchen with Carina and crew.   When the Grease tracks start to play I channel my sister Lisa who knows every line to the soundtrack.    During a strong workout yesterday I was alone in the gym and on the treadmill attempting to put one more mile in and losing steam.  The Grease soundtrack comes on and I start singing along to “Summer Nights” and “Greased Lightening”  as I distract myself trying to get the last bit of my jog in.  Next thing I know another guest climbs onto the treadmill at me and looks at me with a grin because I was belting it out loud.  I immediately shut my mouth  with an embarrassed laugh.   Now for those of you who don’t know me very well- I can’t sing to save my life.  A former co-worker, Stacy, compared my singing to a “wet cat trying to claw their way out of the water on a chalk board".  Oh well- I’ll never see this guy again so I jog on.   The song “You’re the One that I want” comes on next and he starts humming to the song and  starts singing along- and luckily for me his voice is as bad as mine!      I pick up singing Sandy’s lines and he keeps singing Danny’s lines and we make it about half way through the song before we both start laughing and admit we don’t know any more of the lines.

As Greg would say “People are People”.  It doesn't matter if you are jogging next to a local  in Qatar 7000+ miles away from home or dancing in a kitchen in Vermont .......everyone loves a good “Grease “ song.   

Cheers and Good Travel

Since I have been slacking on taking pictures, below are some images of local art that is in the hallways of our living quarters. 

1 comment:

  1. Treadmill singing... Love it!! I can hear it now. MEOW!!!
