Sunday, September 1, 2013

I am sorry all we have is champagne.......

Who would have thought that I would be….
Sitting in Dubai
Listening to American Hip Hop
Broadcast on an  Egyptian Radio Station
From a Russian TV
Working on an Italian job report
For a Saudi Arabian project
As my husband sips on a cold  Mexican Beer
As he works on the Chinese job that we head to next

(For some of you that know me the most surprising phrase was probably “my husband”  as I was a  “I’ll never get married again” single girl until Greg changed my mind.   OK-  he really just asked me and that made me change my mind )

We left Mesaieed Friday and headed to the Doha airport.   I have been lucky to fly business class a few times over the last couple of years but nothing prepared me for business class on Qatar airlines.   We pull up to a private entrance with gleaming silver bell carts like you would see at a 5 star hotel.  The bellman escort us to the counter with plush chairs and fresh rose arrangements every few feet.  I  keep looking around for someone to jump out and say “ I am sorry this  fancy stuff isn’t for you”;  but no one jumps out and the luxury kept  going on and on.     The Qatar Airline attendant thought it was hilarious that we were Mr & Mrs Smith – just like Brad and Angelina and kept cracking herself up as she checked us in.   We were whisked through the  private  security gate and that led us to exclusive duty free perfume and electronics stores.   Up to the club lounge for a kir royale , a wonderful glass of Bordeaux and appetizers as we waited until it was time to board.   The lounge was about 5000 square feet with a “quiet area”  where people could lie down—Greg made sure  we were not in the quiet area (I’m loud).  Dozens of staff members were there cleaning , greeting guests, or just waiting for any request you may have. 

It was time to board and we are sat in leather reclining chairs with a subtle back massager to ease any travel pains you may have    The flight attendant asks if we would like a beverage as we await take off and I ask for a glass of wine, but the attendant gives his sincere apologies and informs me he only has champagne to offer before take off.    I try and keep a straight face and tell him know that champagne will suffice then start laughing at the luxuriousness of everything.   After a short one hour flight and a three course meal ending in Godiva chocolates and we land in Dubai.   Like I said total over the top luxury!

The Sheraton at Jumeriah beach is our home for the next four days before we head to China, this resort will always have special memories for me as we got engaged on the beach here.  It is one of the older hotels and is dwarfed by the high rises next to it, however it is just as gorgeous and the service is just as amazing.    From the “hubbly-bubbly” (hookah) bar where we tried the lemon mint flavor this trip to the variety of shops and restaurants in the hotel there is always something to do and see, or even better sit on a lounge chair in the shade of a palm tree.  The view from the beach has  now changed as the Dubai Eye is being built right in front of the hotel.   The Dubai Eye will be another man-made island that will offer shopping , a hotel, apartments, restaurants and the world’s largest Ferris wheel, because every country needs a giant Ferris wheel.   The barges and ships work all day dredging  sand and depositing tons of rocks to build the island.  

Has the view changed a bit with cranes and barges…..  sure but life is still darn good. 

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