Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sea snakes, crabs and rabbits……………

We went to explore a few of the areas in the city and jumped into a taxi instead of tackling the metro system. A three mile ride that took 40 minutes and cost only $2.75.....with prices like that we may stay with cabs. The traffic was going every which way with scooters and bikes cutting in front of all the cars and no one paying attention to traffic lights. There are people sitting on the back of the bike holding their baby as the cars and scooters cut in and out in front of them. I can’t imagine driving in this city- I close my eyes  during several points of the drive.
  We were hungry and  found an odd little restaurant decorated with a variety of statues – everything from Laurel & Hardy to an Italian Chef and of course the required Buddha. The front of the restaurant was  filled with tanks in the front of the restaurant with live creatures for you to choose choose from. But no this isn’t like Red Lobster  with a couple of lobsters in a tank. There were a couple dozen tanks filled with fresh fish, crabs, eels  and  sea snakes. There were also tanks of snails the size of a babies fist, and  even a live rabbit. We love crab so decided to  start safe – I can choose a live crab to eat but not a bunny rabbit. In our attempt to order (see picture of local menu below) another restaurant guest, Helen, stopped at our table and offered to interpret for us. Helen was a savior and to the delight of our waitress helped us order our lunch and beverages. Helen is from Beijing and  was visiting her parents. She stopped at our table many times offering us some of the food her family was eating  along with giving us her card and offering to meet us in Beijing when we were there.   
Headed out of the restaurant we see the rice wine jugs filled with medicinal options- spices, dead snakes, bugs and who knows what. I am brave but I think I will hold off on drinking snake sake for a few more weeks.

Cheers everyone!
Pick Your Lunch

Snake Sake

Typical Menu

1 comment:

  1. Oh lord, where is the sick sack, airsick bag, barf bag, or motion sickness bag stand? Eels and sea snakes? Check please! LOL
